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Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

4/3/05 Sermon Series on Mission Title: Learning about Mission

Title: Learn
Text: Jeremiah 9:23-24

Please join me in prayer. Eternal God, stir up your Holy Spirit within all that are gathered here this morning, so that your words to us would lead us to be faithful always to your way, through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen
Last week on Easter Sunday as we came together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, our congregation started on a special 50 day walk with Jesus. The idea for our walk came from Saint Luke’s account of Jesus’ walk with two of his followers who were on their way to Emmaus, a small town approximately 6 miles outside of Jerusalem.
It took place on that first Sunday after Jesus’ crucifixion. Just think how these two men must have felt as they left the city that day. Their leader had been killed, they were probably afraid for their lives. All was lost. It was time to get out of Jerusalem before they got into trouble too.
When Jesus approached them that day, they were kept from recognizing him, but he knew who they were and saw that they were really troubled. He wanted to help them, to open their eyes to the truth, so he asked them what they were talking about.
Well, that is all they needed, they told Jesus everything about the last few days, how Jesus had been captured, tried and executed, how the women had told them that the tomb was empty and that some of the disciples had checked their story out. They found out it was true, but where was he? Was he really alive or had the body been stolen and hidden somewhere? It was terribly confusing; they just did not know what to believe or do.
It was at that point that Jesus fussed at them for not believing what the prophets had told them about him. Then he began to teach them, explaining all that Moses and the prophets had told about him.
When he was through explaining the scriptures to them, he sat down and ate supper with them. Luke tells us that it was only then that Jesus allowed them to recognize him as the risen Messiah, and boy did that make a difference in their lives.
They went from being downcast, to being full of joy, for they now knew that they had been talking with the risen Jesus. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"
That question got me to thinking that we, too, need to walk with Jesus so that our hearts will burn within us with the desire to study his word and tell others of his salvation.
So, just like those two disciples did that day, we are going to let Jesus teach us as we walk with Jesus, as we break bread with him in his Supper. Our walk will not be for just a few hours but for 50 days, well, actually only 43 days now, since 7 days have gone by since we started our walk. During this walk we are going to spend time in prayer, personal daily devotions, and group Bible studies.
If you have not taken part in any of these the first week, do not worry. You can start now. It does not make any difference if you have never attended a Bible study before, or if it has been a long time since you have been to one. You will not be asked to read or answer a question, unless you want to. If you think you will be embarrassed if you cannot find a particular passage, do not be, for we all have a hard time finding some of the passages; that is why we help each other. You see, we are all on this spiritual walk with Jesus, so come join us.
To make it as easy as possible for people to attend, we are offering 7 different Bible study groups, each held in different places and times. The one on Wednesday evening is held here at the church so that we can offer child care for those with young children. If you have lost or thrown away the list of locations and times that I sent you, we have more at the mailboxes, so as you leave this morning grab one, along with this week’s daily devotion.
Each week of our walk with Jesus, we will focus on different aspects of mission, God’s directive to his church, as in “Go and make disciples.” This past week it was about learning about God’s mission. This week we will look at the part prayer plays in doing his mission. Try it, you will like it.
Enough of that, I need to get to the text I wanted to talk to you about today. It is God’s word through the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 9:23-24. Hear the words of God, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the LORD.”
That text was one of the many found in this past week’s devotions. I was really struck by these particular words of God, so I wanted to share them with you this morning, for I do not believe there are any other verses in the Bible that make God’s desire for us as clear as these verses do.
God is not saying that it is wrong to have wisdom as the world sees wisdom, or to be mighty as the world thinks of one being mighty, or be rich as the world thinks of richness. What he is saying is that it is wrong when any of those things are put before knowing God and his will for us, for it is only when one knows who God is and his desires, that you are truly wise, powerful, and rich.
We know that God is our Savior and that our very life depends on him, but is that all that God wants us to know about him and his will for us? I do not think so, for while Christ’s saving work is of the uppermost importance, God wants us to do more than to just know we are saved. He wants us to live our lives according to his will, not our will. To live according to God’s will is a good thing, for as we all are well aware, our will is really only bent on doing one thing, taking care of self.
There is only one way to know God’s will for our lives, and that is to study his Word. I do not know how else we could find out, for it is only in his Word that we can truly find out who Jesus is and his will for us.
God wants those who say they are his followers to know him, to know that he is a God who loves his creation so much that he sent his son, Jesus to redeem it. He wants us to learn about Jesus so that we can follow his example, showing kindness, being just in our dealings with others, and living a life of righteousness, not as the world sees those things, but as God sees them.
He wants us to learn about him, for when we learn about Jesus, we learn about those he cares about. You can find that out in 1 Timothy 2 verses 5 and 6, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people.” You see, he did not die for just a certain class of people or race; he died for all people, even those who reject him.
He wants us to learn about him, for when we learn about Jesus, we learn what he desires. We find what his desire is in Matthew 9 verse 13, where we read, “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Since all people are sinners, his desire is that all people would respond to his call of forgiveness.
He wants us to learn about him, for when we learn about Jesus, we learn to hold him in the highest regard, to stand in awe of him and his power. We learn that his Word is good and trustworthy, as 2 Timothy 3 verses 15 and 16 tell us, “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that those who love God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
He wants us to learn about him, for when we learn about Jesus, we learn that God blesses those who tell others about Jesus and his forgiveness. We read that in Psalm 89:15, “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.”
Do you believe those words? You should, for they are God’s words and they are meant for all of us as we do the mission that God has set before us here at Saint John. Amen


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